YOUNGSTERS are helping turn a derelict allotment into a green haven.

The Chester West and Central Community Project, in Chester-le-Street, is transforming the overgrown site in Station View into an area where people can enjoy nature.

Pupils from Bullion Lane Primary School have been helping by planting, among others, garlic, snowdrops and wild grass.

Project chairman Lily Loughlin, a retired teacher, said: "It was a very overgrown wilderness and the project, with a lot of support from other people, has progressed it.

"The object behind it all is to get people interested in looking after the environment and taking care of it.

"It will have paths, raised flowerbeds for people in wheelchairs and low areas for children.

"We thought we would start off with the schools to educate the children into looking after the place.

"We hope to encourage people to grow produce organically, take an interest in their own gardens and bring back the spirit of community, where young and old work together to have a beautiful place where they can sit and relax.''

Mrs Loughlin said it would allow children to learn more about the environment.

Wooden seats are also planned for the area.

The scheme is being supported by organisations, including Groundwork, English Heritage and the British Trust for Conservation Volunteers.