HOUSE of Desires, part of the RSC Spanish Golden Age season, was written by Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, a 17th century Spanish nun. Thankfully, her work is far from staid. The action follows the misadventures of six lovers living beneath the same roof. Once the lights go out, nobody can tell noble from servant, or man from woman...

Despite a slow first half, the story later comes together. Simon Trinder's comic turn as the servant Castano makes the play. Disguised as a woman to deliver a sensitive message, Trinder treats us to an up-close and personal view of his metamorphosis into a simpering noblewoman. His antics include forcing an embarrassed audience member to apply his lipstick, borrowing a woman's handbag to complete his outfit, and climbing a railing to flash his petticoats, which was greeted with applause.

The play skilfully panders to popular stereotypes: the women are feisty, the men easily fooled, while the servants are really running the show. Katherine Kelly excels as Celia, the sarcastic meddling housemaid.

Ghostly lighting to suggest darkness is used to great effect, allowing us to observe characters fumbling in the dark, bouncing off each other and jumping to ridiculous conclusions. The play is packed with gags and innuendo, although the plot is predictable for those familiar with comedies of the period.

* Runs until November 27. Box Office: 0870 905 5060.

Published: 12/11/2004