HOSPITAL staff took a stand to improve awareness of the warning signs and symptoms of mouth cancer.

As part of oral cancer awareness week, staff from the ear, nose and throat and oral maxillofacial departments at the James Cook University Hospital, are making time for visitors to the hospital to give advice about cancer.

Visitors, patients and staff can also take part in a quiz and be entered for a free prize draw.

Oral cancer now affects more than 4,300 people every year in the UK and there is a particularly high rate of this form of cancer on Teesside.

Smokers and drinkers and those in the over 40 age group are particularly at risk and the incidence is twice as high in men as in women.

Specialist nurse Jill Skelton said: "Early detection is really the key so we would urge people to keep going for dental check-ups or if they have specific concerns to see their GP. If mouth cancer is spotted early then it can be rapidly treated and the chances of survival are good.

"We've teamed up with staff from ear, nose and throat and basically we'll be encouraging people to be aware of the warning signs of mouth and head and neck cancers and be on hand to answer any questions they might have."