A GRANDMOTHER has told how a mugger punched her to the ground in a terrifying attack.

Valerie Naylor, 57, had just left her Middlesbrough home to go to work at about 6.10am yesterday when she noticed a man walk past her.

She said: "The next thing I knew, he had grabbed my bag, I turned and he hit me. I fell to the floor and he kept punching me. I held on to my bag, but he just kept hitting me over and over again.

"I started screaming, but he started shouting at me. He was swearing at me, I cannot say the word he called me, but he was saying 'shut up or else you'll get more'."

Eventually, Mrs Naylor, who lives in Princes Street, near Borough Road, in Middlesbrough town centre, let go of the bag. The robber ran down Warren Street with the bag, which contained £76.

Mrs Naylor staggered home and her husband ran out to try to catch the robber.

The police were called, and Mrs Naylor, who has lived in the area for 12 years, was taken to the James Cook University Hospital, in Middlesbrough, for treatment. She was suffering from shock and a suspected broken nose.

She said: "I'm shook up. "I'm frightened and I don't want to go outside. I have told my husband we have to move away.

"I can't even see my little grandson because I do not want him to see me like this."

Detective Inspector Stan Drummond said Mrs Naylor believed she was repeatedly punched, although some of her injuries suggest her attacker may have stamped on her head.

He said: "This was an appalling attack which took place at about 6.10am as she was making her way to Teesside University, where she works as a cleaner.

"It was a determined and vicious attack in a busy area at a time when other people would have been about and heading to work. We need to speak to anyone who saw this incident or anyone acting suspiciously."

The attacker was about 6ft and wore a red and white scarf, a hat and a black jacket. Anyone with information is asked to call (01642) 326326.

Professor Graham Henderson, the vice-chancellor of Teesside University, said: "I am horrified to hear of this attack. We will be offering Valerie every support and I add my voice to the police request for witnesses.