A MIDDLESBROUGH firm is spicing up the town's flagship development by planning to invest up to £50m.

Chilli Developments is planning an ambitious scheme for the Middlehaven project which is a long way from the back bedroom where the company started.

Simon Brown started the business when he moved back to the North-East from London after being made redundant threes times, deciding the only way to guarantee himself work was to launch his own business.

Starting with only £500 in his pocket, he has rapidly progressed to this challenging project.

He said: "Middlehaven is all about bravery - people may think we are taking a risk here, but if they knew how much research and planning has gone into this, they would understand why I am so confident and committed."

Chilli has already invested a significant sum drawing up and fine-tuning its plans for the site, and has secured financial backing for the whole scheme, which could go on to include a second phase bringing total investment of around £50m.

He said: "Chilli may be a relatively small business at the moment - but so are they all - until they start to think big. I just can't wait to get started and putting in this planning application takes us another rung up the ladder."

Tees Valley Regeneration's Sean Egan, project director for Middlehaven, said: "We are delighted to be able to offer this opportunity to a local company such as Chilli Developments.

"Chilli has put a lot of time and effort into this proposal and we look forward to seeing it come to fruition.

"The design and vision is in keeping with the master plan and reflects the type of quality development we are insisting takes place on this site."

Steve Gawthorpe, area director of English Partnerships, which owns the land and has already invested £18m in reclaiming the site and providing infrastructure, said: "This is a fantastic opportunity for a local company to put its name on the map."