ENGINEERING company Cleveland Bridge last night scored another victory in the bitter row with its former employer on the Wembley Stadium project.

An independent adjudicator ruled that the North-East firm should be paid a further £2,274,000 by Australian construction company Multiplex.

It is the fourth decision to go in favour of Cleveland Bridge and brings the total awarded to the Darlington firm to more than £4.75m.

Last week, the two companies stepped up their disputes, both lodging claims in the Court of Technology and Construction - an off-shoot of the High Court.

Multiplex triggered the proceedings, submitting a claim for between £25m and £30m from Cleveland Bridge.

But the latter responded by claiming it was entitled to about £21m from the Wembley main contractor.

Last night, Cleveland Bridge hailed the latest adjudication as "the final chapter in this saga".

In recent weeks, the adjudicator has announced that Cleveland Bridge was entitled to awards of £423,000, £1.5m and £500,000.

The company was given the £60m contract to build the stadium's roof and iconic arch.

But it pulled out of the job in August amid a growing dispute with Multiplex.