PUB landlord Keith Draper is counting the cost after a water mains burst left his pub flooded for the second time in 18 months.

Up to 1,000 homes and business in the centre of Durham lost their water supply yesterday morning after the pipe burst.

There was rush-hour traffic chaos in and around the city as diversions were put in place.

Water from the main, near the traffic lights in New Elvet, cascaded into the nearby Half Moon Inn, which was flooded in a similar incident in May last year.

Firefighters had to pump out the cellar and some stock, fittings and equipment were damaged.

The pub also lost its electricity but was due to re-open last night.

Mr Draper said: "The pavement just erupted. The water was about 8ft deep in the cellar.

"We will probably have to write off lots of barrels of beer but, fortunately, the Christmas stock comes in on Monday.

"This is the third time it has happened and we have also been flooded during downpours. They are apparently looking to renew the water mains, but it should have been sorted out before. It is disrupting business again on a weekend."

The nearby City Hotel was also flooded and was closed most of the day. A Northumbrian Water spokeswoman said the company was cleaning up and its insurers had assessed the damage.

She said: "The main has been re-lined in the last couple of years, and we are actually planning to renew it as part of our improvement programme. We have 15,000km of water mains and we have to prioritise the work."

Durham County Council said the road would need permanent repairs after it was temporarily repaired. Officials hoped to re-open the road last night.