A highspeed race between two motorcyclists ended in tragedy, a court heard yesterday.

Paul Andrew Bedding, 34, was yesterday convicted of dangerous driving after racing with Andrew Reed on high-powered motorcycles between two junctions of the A19, in County Durham, shortly before the accident.

Mr Reed, 24, of Mickle Hill Road, Blackhall, lost control leaving the northbound carriageway at the Easington exit slip road. His blue and white 750cc Suzuki collided with a lamp-post and he suffered fatal injuries.

Witnesses described seeing a blue and white Suzuki being ridden side-by-side with a green Kawasaki machine overtaking a car at high speed before cutting in and leaving the A19 at the Easington slip road.

They told of a green Kawasaki just ahead of the accident scene, leaving the slip road at the Loaning Burn roundabout, at Easington Village.

The prosecution said Bedding returned to the scene minutes later as emergency services were dealing with the accident.

Bedding denied racing with Mr Reed but the jury found him guilty of dangerous driving after two hours' deliberation on the third day of his trial at Durham Crown Court yesterday.

Sentence was adjourned for two weeks and he was bailed to an address in Clarence Street, Seaham.