A WRECKED car involved in a fatal accident will be used to drive home a stark warning about the dangers of driving while drunk.

Firefighters and police in Richmondshire will take the vehicle to public places as part of their annual anti-drink driving campaign for the festive season.

Launching the campaign, Chief Superintendent Bernie Mitchell, the commander of the western police area, said: "This Christmas, we will be going out deliberately to find people we feel are drinking and driving.

"These people should know, if they are caught, they will lose their licence, they will lose their capability to obtain affordable insurance and they could lose their job."

Nigel Philips, the commander of Richmond fire station, said: "If we can stop one accident and save just one life, this campaign will be a overwhelming success."

Police said 1,821 drivers were breathalised across North Yorkshire last Christmas, and 4.6 per cent were over the limit.

This year, the Army at Catterick Garrison have got involved with the campaign to help get the message through to the thousands of troops in Richmondshire.

Major Andy Stevens, chief of staff at Catterick Garrison, said: "We have potentially vulnerable youngsters here and we feel it os our responsibility to encourage them to drive safely and not to drink and drive."