A FATHER-OF-FOUR who was savaged by an out-of-control dog has lost his battle to win compensation.

Dave Taylor, 37, from Darlington, lost all feeling in his arm after the attack in 2002 by a Japanese akita, which he was minding at his home for a friend.

He received hospital treatment and was left unable to work because of an injured back and no feeling in his left arm.

The dog, called Kane, could not be put down because the attack was not in a public place.

Mr Taylor applied for compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority last year but was turned down.

This week, his appeal against that decision was also rejected, after the panel decided his injuries were not the result of a crime of violence.

"I am really disappointed," he said.

"As a family, we really do struggle and the attack has left me with depression on top of everything else.

"I was hoping that a settlement would be reached that would help ease some of the suffering and the trauma that I have been through. I feel as though I have now hit a brick wall."

Merryn Hewitt, a nurse from Darlington, gave evidence at Mr Taylor's appeal. She said she needed 29 stitches in her left forearm after Kane went for her.

A compensation authority spokesman said he could not comment on individual cases.