AN airfield has been given clearance to upgrade its runway and build a new aircraft hangar.

However, Easington District Council has imposed a list of restrictions on the extensions at Shotton Airfield, County Dur-ham.

Airfield owner Ian Rosenvinge had applied to build a 100-metre by ten-metre hangar to house ten aircraft as well as upgrading the 1,650ft runway.

Concerns had been raised from people in nearby Shotton Colliery over possible increases in noise and traffic.

However, councillors were told the application had been advertised through site and Press notices and that no representations had been received from residents.

The panel agreed to the application, but imposed conditions on the plans to include restricted operating hours, that no turbine engine is run within 220 metres of a house, with the exception of the emergency services aircraft.

It also imposed a restriction on the numbers of flights taking off and landing and said the hangars could be used for storage only.

Portable buildings on the site can also only be used temporarily.

The airfield, which was used by the Princess Royal's aircraft during one of her visits to the area, is also the home of Peterlee Parachute Centre.

* There was bleak news for the amateur flying enthusiasts who founded Newcastle Airport when they were grounded this week with debts estimated at £200,000.

Management at Newcastle International Airport are hoping to secure some of the £40,000 it is believed to be owed by Newcastle Aero Club.

The airport has impounded all but one of the 79-year-old club's working planes while the matter is resolved.