Annfield Plain WI: THE November meeting was opened by the president Genia Collin and a warm welcome was given to visitors.

Assistant secretary Margaret Westwater dealt with correspondence and treasurer Ruth Bates gave the financial report. Two thank you letters were received from Mrs Welch and Mrs Brown thanking members for the cards, flowers and gifts received on their recent 90th birthdays.

The Golden Thread by Betty Kay was a moving account about how the hymn, Jesu, lover of my soul, brought peace to two soldiers in the American Civil War. The item of interest came from Margaret Burnhope who read a very funny poem entitled When I Was, which struck a chord with everyone.

Details of forthcoming outings to Dobbies in Ponteland, Brigadoon at Stanley Lamplight Theatre, and Harperley POW Camp were given by Genia Coffin. Details of the Christmas lunch at Harperley Hotel were also discussed.

It was decided Mavis Crawford would be the delegate for 2005 at the National Annual Meeting at the Royal Albert Hall in June.

The next meeting in December will be our Christmas Party Night with wine and mince pies, a few games and a big Christmas raffle.

The speaker was Simon Lawes, who gave us all a wonderful chance to join him on his travels around the world, with pictures and commentary. The vote of thanks was given by Ruth Bates.

The competition, a musical ornament, was won by Mary McKee and the mystery raffle by Pauline Gill.

An enjoyable evening ended with tea and biscuits served by Noreen Breen and Mary McKee.

Lanchester WI

LANCHESTER WI celebrated its 79th birthday at Chapteri Restaurant, Derwentside College.

Business was kept as brief as possible. Ann Carr, the president, informed members that the new WI garden beside the community centre, containing flowers and 47 shrubs, was complete. The last coffee morning with a gardening theme was well supported.

The second-year students cooked and served an excellent three-course meal. There was a good selection on the adventurous menu. There was great attention to detail and presentation and it all tasted delicious.

The free raffle was won by Marjorie Roper and Jacqui Osborne. Finally Ann reminded members about the Christmas faith supper and thanked staff and students for a most enjoyable evening.

Castleside WI

CASTLESIDE WI held its AGM and 79th birthday in the village hall. Janet Nelson opened the meeting and welcomed VCO Freda Weatherspoon. Sick members Mary Agar, Nancy Lister, Mrs Hart and Lily Bell were remembered. Mrs Weatherspoon talked about events in the county.

Mrs Nelson will be president for another year. Flowers were presented to Ruth Richardson, who is retiring as treasurer, while two members, Dorinda Thomas and Margaret Teeder, were welcomed on to the committee. Everyone enjoyed pie and peas supper followed by birthday cake.

Vouchers were presented to the competition winners. Agnes Chapman gave the final arrangements for the outings to Dobbies garden centre, the Christmas dinner and the trip to the Theatre Royal for the pantomime followed by tea at Harperley Hall. Names were taken for the outing to Ripley Castle and Harrogate to visit the county craft exhibition in May.

The next meeting in the village hall will be held in January.

South Moor WI

VICE president Dora Moore presided at the November meeting and welcomed members not forgetting a sick member. June George gave the reading Memories.

The secretary read the minutes, county letter and final arrangements for Christmas dinner at South Moor Golf Club. The treasurer gave the financial statement.

A special raffle, given by Betty Wilkinson, was won by Joyce Wright. The WI was delighted to welcome speaker Norman Kelly, who gave a talk and slides of old time artists and comedians. Doreen Pearson gave the vote of thanks.

The competition, an unusual candle, was judged by Mr Kelly. Vera Souslby was first, Rena Raper second and Doreen Pearson third.

Tantobie WI

MRS Smith welcomed everyone to the meeting and Mrs Oliver thanked members for their contributions about the future of the WI markets.

Members will be attending the carol service at Durham Cathedral. Arrangements were made for the Christmas concert at Washington and the Christmas meal. The 2005 programme was discussed.

Joy Nixon gave an excellent demonstration of making a Christmas decoration, which was raffled and won by Mrs Stacey, who gave the vote of thanks. Tea was provided by Mrs Bainbridge and Mrs Oliver. The raffle was won by Mrs Cawthorn and the competition by Mrs Close, Mrs Oliver, Mrs Smith and Mrs Wallace.

East Stanley WI

THE president Anne Stayman welcomed members. Birthday greetings were given to Jean Black and Hilary Baker. Jean was thanked for the flowers, which were given to Una Swan. Jean read her favourite poem, What is this life.

Rae Smith, the delegate to the Autumn Council meeting gave a comprehensive report. Details of the Christmas dinner to South Moor Golf Club on December 9 were finalised. Mary Mosse agreed to read the lesson at the Churches Together carol service.

Professor Adrian Swall gave an amusing talk on the History of Tyneside. Audrey Wallace gave the vote of thanks. The competition, four home-made sweet mince pies, was won by Peggy Begg with Phoebe Wilkinson second. The raffle was won by Una Swan.

The next meeting will be held on December 13, a faith supper.

Leadgate WI

ON November 15 Leadgate WI was 75-years-old. It was the annual general meeting when Mrs Walker was re-elected as president and the committee re-elected.

After the business members and guests were treated to a birthday tea with special guests county chairman Audrey Flanagan and county treasurer Audrey Dinning. Guests were also invited from our group institutes, Consett, Benfieldside and Ebchester.

Mrs Flanagan cut the birthday cake, baked by Mrs Walker and decorated by Mrs Hilary, and wished Leadgate well for the future. After cake and sherry each member and guest was presented with an engraved paper knife to commemorate the occasion.

After long service on the committee Mrs Emerson retired and was presented with a bouquet.