THE Royal Navy's latest ship arrived on her maiden visit to make acquaintance with County Durham, this Thursday.

HMS Bulwark was handed to the Royal Navy by shipbuilder BAE Systems earlier this year.

The 18,500 tonne assault ship is affiliated with County Durham and the ship's crew will be establishing links with councils, schools, hospitals and youth organisations during a five-day stay, while berthed at the Tyne Commission Quay at North Shields.

During Bulwark's visit, a number of crew members will be trying to raise money for the ship's various adopted local charities, including a children's ward at Bishop Auckland Hospital, with a sponsored static rowing machine 100,000-metre row.

Teams from the ship will also be in sporting action, playing rugby against Durham Police, and football and netball against teams from Durham University.

Visitors will also get a chance to look round the Royal Navy's newest vessel this Saturday from 10.30am until 4pm.

Bulwark replaces County Durham's previous adopted warship, the type-22 frigate HMS Brazen, which was taken out of service in 1996 before being subsequently sold to the Brazilian Navy.