Billingham Forum: Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, stars Stu Francis, Michelle Hardwick and Michael James-Batchelor, runs December 9-January 9. Box Office: (01642) 552663

Darlington Civic: Peter Pan stars Cannon and Ball and Lee Brennan of boyband 911. December 9-January 23, box office: (01325) 486555

Durham's Gala: Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, stars Pee Wee Price, Gabrielle Bradshaw and Anna Flowers, runs December 4-January 8. Box Office: 0191-332-4041

Gateshead's Caedmon Hall: The Golden Bird, suitable for children under-6 and their families, a Bedouin-style folk tale presented by Northern Stage, runs until January 8. Box Office: 0871 7000 125

Harrogate Theatre: Mother Goose, stars Adam Stafford and Tim Stedman, runs November 26-January 8. Box Office: (01423) 502 116

Newcastle's Theatre Royal: Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs, starring Lesley Joseph, runs December 6-Janury 15. Box Office: 0870 905 5060

Newcastle's Tyne Theatre: Cinderella, starring Brendan Healy and Maxie & Mitch, Stephanie Constable and TV's Steel River Blues star Vicki Hawkins, runs December 9-January 8. Box Office: 0870 145 1200

Scarborough's Stephen Joseph: Miss Yesterday. Written and directed by Alan Ayckbourn, runs December 2- January 8. Box Office: (01723) 370541

South Shields' Customs House: Dick Whittington, stars Ray Spencer, Bob Stott and Steven Rae. Box Office: 0191 454 1234

Sunderland's Empire: No panto this year but is running Starlight Express December 9-January 8. Box Office: 0870 602 1130

York's Theatre Royal: Sleeping Beauty starring Berwick Kaler, runs December 8-January 29. Box Office: (01904) 623568

York's Opera House: Cinderella, starring Tim Vincent, runs December 8-January 2. Box Office: 0870 606 3595

Published: 25/11/2004