Police are today hunting a man who made off with thousands of pounds after threatening to set fire to a North-East bookmakers.

Staff at a Ladbrokes shop in Darlington were subjected to a terrifying ordeal as the masked thief insisted he would set fire to the building unless they handed over cash.

Two shop employees - a man and woman, both in their 20s - were cashing up just after 5pm on Sunday (DEC 5) when the incident occurred.

There were no customers in the shop, in Ann's Terrace, in the Denes area of the town, as the last race had taken place over an hour earlier and staff were preparing to close.

A man wearing a black balaclava and a dark blue fleece then entered the premises.

He was carrying what looked like a water bottle, which was open at the top, and the workers could smell that it contained petrol.

A police spokesman said: "He walked up to the counter, thrust two carrier bags at the man and woman, and demanded that they fill the bags with money or he would set light to the premises.

"They stuffed a four-figure sum of cash into one of the bags, which the man then grabbed before walking out of the building."

The thief, who was described as being about 5ft 8ins tall and of average build, is thought to have turned right after leaving the shop and possibly headed up Brinkburn Road.

Police could confirm the exact amount taken, but it is understood to run into thousands of pounds.

Detectives are asking for anyone who saw a man fitting the description in the area at the time to contact them immediately.

Ladbrokes are also offering a cash reward for any information which leads to the arrest and conviction of the offender.

Anyone with information is urged to contact Darlington police on 0845 6060 365 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.