Two masked robbers who brandished a sawn-off shotgun at drinkers in a packed club before making off with thousands of pounds in cash were this evening facing lengthy jail sentences.

Peter George Caswell, 52, and Shane Round, 31, were on trial at Teesside Crown Court where they had denied robbery but yesterday they dramatically changed their pleas to guilty.

The pair - described as "seasoned criminals" by police - had denied any involvement in a raid on the Thornaby Ex-Servicemen's Club, in Thornaby, Teesside, in May last year in which £3,479 was taken from a safe.

The trial had heard how, wearing a balaclava and a motorcycle helmet, the pair burst into the bar and threatened drinkers before holding the single barrelled shotgun to the head of a terrified club steward.

They threatened to shoot Geoffrey Harris and stole the cash from a safe before speeding off in a stolen car.

David Lamb, for Round, of no fixed address, revealed he was already serving a ten year jail sentence for robbery.

Caswell, formerly of Hawthorn Avenue, Middlesbrough, also had a lengthy criminal record.

Adrian Dent, for Caswell, said it was not a case of whether he would be jailed, but for how long.

He said his client was anxious to be dealt with as soon as possible.

A third man, Jonathan Caley, from Middlesbrough, had already admitted being the getaway driver and pleaded guilty to assisting an offender. He is due to be sentenced at a later date.

Caswell and Round, who both also pleaded guilty to possession of a firearm with intent to commit an offence on May 9 last year, were remanded in custody by Judge Peter Bowers who said they would be sentenced on Friday.

Detective Sergeant Gareth White, of Stockton CID, said: "These men are seasoned criminals who have been round the block and the indications are that the weapon they used was loaded.

"We are obviously very pleased that they have time to think about a change of heart and spare the witnesses in the trial the ordeal of giving evidence.

"We hope that their detection will send out a clear message to other criminals not to commit robberies on our patch."