A FARM couple's winter sideline has given them a seasonal headache after proving a success each Christmas in recent years.

Martin and Judith Dryden have reared a batch of newborn, free range KellyBronze turkeys for the Christmas dinner plate each year since 1999.

The distinctive birds, with darker plumage than more familiar British turkeys, were only introduced into this country from the US in recent years by a County Durham-born farmer in Essex.

The bird is noted for its full flavour and more converts are ordering their Christmas bird from the Drydens each year.

Having initially taken 150 birds, they increased the number reared at Murton Moor Farm, County Durham, reaching 400 last year.

They again took 400 this year and, with more than 360 already ordered, they expect another sell-out. The Drydens are considering expanding the turkey side of the business, but have run out of space.

Mr Dryden said: "It began as an experiment, very much a diversification project, a sort of winter sideline, if you like.

"Demand has gradually increased by word of mouth and from stalls we run at Grey's Monument in Newcastle and at Durham Christmas Festival.

"But there are rules and regulations over the space they should be given as free range turkeys, and we're up to the limit. We'll have to consider what we can do to increase numbers. It may mean some alterations to buildings on the farm."

In the meantime, Martin will be busy preparing the birds for collection by customers on the two days before Christmas.