AN OPTICIAN has returned from Africa where he has been fighting to save the sight of some of the world's poorest inhabitants.

Richard Fielding, of Chester-le-Street, who works at Optical Express in Newcastle, has been to Burkina Faso as part of a highly-skilled team for the charity Vision Aid Overseas.

Mr Fielding was helping some of the 200 million people worldwide who need basic, and often life-changing eye care.

Mr Fielding, 26, decided to volunteer in order to put his skills and expertise to help people in developing countries who have no access to vision care.

He spent two weeks in Gourcy, Ouhiygouya and Koudougou where he carried out essential work setting up a clinic for local people to have eye tests and get spectacles.

Burkina Faso in West Africa, is one of the poorest countries in the world.

Mr Fielding was able to help 1,500 people and dispense 1,500 spectacles.

Vision Aid Overseas is a registered UK charity which is dedicated to bringing help to needy people in the developing world whose lives are blighted by poor eyesight.

Mr Fielding said: "For people in Burkina Faso a pair of spectacles can make the difference between going to school or being uneducated, between keeping or losing a job and between the ability to support their families and the desperation of real poverty."

Anyone wishing to make a donation should call (01293) 535016, or to help the charity in any way, contact Vision Aid Overseas on (01293) 535016.