STUDENTS at Prior Pursglove College, Guisborough, are entertaining audiences with a production of the musical version of the bloodthirsty black comedy Little Shop of Horrors.

The show has been produced by the college's first year AVCE performing arts group and features a cast of 14, including three members of staff.

It tells the story of mild-mannered, out-of-luck Seymour Krelbourn, played by 16-year-old Richard Lilleker, who works in a flower shop owned by Mr Mushnik (Terry Williams).

Seymour discovers an exotic little plant with a taste for human flesh.

And as the plant grows, Seymour is forced to feed its voracious appetite, while trying to win the heart of fellow flower shop worker Audrey, played by Carli McNaught. They are pictured above with the plant.

Graham Hamlyn, the college's head of drama and performing arts, said this week: "Rehearsals went really well and the students have got to grips with the production. We are looking forward to a successful run."

Little Shop of Horrors opened on Wednesday and continues today and tomorrow at 7.30. Tickets are £6 (£4 for concessions). To book, tel 01287 280800.

Picture: Nigel Whitfield/D&S