YOUNGSTERS are giving their time to raise money for friends in India.

The children, from Timothy Hackworth Primary School, in Shildon, have even given up lunchtimes and play-times to make pomanders out of oranges and cloves to sell to parents to raise funds.

They are being helped in their task by parents, grandparents and school helpers.

The youngsters hope they will be able to sell them for £2 each and will send what they earn to twin schools in Udaipur, in India.

Some of the teachers from Timothy Hackworth taught in the schools on their Easter break and found an extreme lack of resources. When the children in Shildon found out, they wanted to help.

Tesco, Morrisons and the Co-op have donated oranges and cloves to help with the effort.

A school spokesperson said: "Orders are coming in thick and fast for the pomanders, but the nimble fingers of year five children are keeping up with demand.

"We have also raised £110 from when the children in Key Stage 2 performed their product-ion of Christmas around the World in St John's Church, in Shildon."