A pensioner and a youth today admitted a series of charges relating to the tragic shotgun death of a 13-year-old boy.

Anthony Knowles and a 16-year-old youth both pleaded guilty to firearms charges when the appeared at York Crown Court.

The 16-year-old - who cannot be named for legal reasons - also admitted attempting to pervert the course of justice during the investigation into the circumstances leading to the death of William Buffey earlier this year.

Knowles, 67, from Barough Farm, Carlton Husthwaite, near Thirsk, North Yorkshire, denied a similar charge and his plea was accepted by the prosecution.

The case was adjourned until January 14 next year to allow pre-sentence reports to be prepared.

William Buffey, of Angram Hall, near Carlton Husthwaite, died of a shotgun wound to the head on Feb 22 in a quarry near his home.