A GROUP of girls have been elected to help run their school by fellow pupils.

The 14, on the junior school council at Polam Hall School in Darlington, are able to make decisions on a variety of issues, including discipline and rewards for excellence.

The girls, from Reception to Year 6 classes, were democratically elected after all the girls in the junior school were asked to produce their own manifesto.

Some of them then stood for election and delivered their manifestos to fellow pupils.

A secret ballot was held where girls elected a council representative from each class.

And yesterday(tue) the junior school council visited the Darlington council chamber, where they met the Mayor, Councillor Roderick Francis and held a meeting.

Angela Foster, junior school head at Polam Hall, said: "The idea behind the junior school council was to give the girls a sense of responsibility and an understanding of citizenship.

"The visit to the council chamber proved extremely useful as it gave them the chance to hold one of their meetings in authentic surroundings."

"All of the girls benefited tremendously from the visit and it gave them even more enthusiasm for their own council meetings."

The girls have already made some useful decisions, including how to vote for friendship monitors and their view on some disciplinary measures. The council meets on a weekly basis at the school.