PUPILS and staff at High Coniscliffe Primary School, near Darlington, have plenty to smile about after another set of bumper exam results.

All the schools' key stage two pupils achieved the benchmark standard of level four in English, maths and science.

And 92 per cent achieved level five -the level expected of a 13-year-old - in English, 86 per cent in maths and 69 per cent in science.

Headteacher Tom Lumley said the school was delighted to see the hard work of pupils reflected in results, but stressed that league tables were just one indication of pupil achievement.

In a recent Ofsted report, school inspectors said: "All who are responsible for making this school such an exciting, warm and happy environment, where children are eager to learn and where all boundaries are stretched, should be congratulated."

The inspectors also found the curriculum excellent and praised the range and quality of opportunities for pupils to take an active role in their own learning.

Mr Lumley said: "It is the combination of sustained good results and the recognition of quality primary practice, that reassures staff and governors that our efforts are bearing fruit.

"Children benefit from a rich curriculum delivered with high expectations of pupil attainment."

Overall, this year's key stage two test results show pupils across Darlington remaining among the best in the region.

Seventy-eight per cent of all pupils achieved level four or above in English, 75 per cent achieved level four or above in maths and 86 per cent of pupils achieved level four or above in science, with the town's pupils scoring above the national average.