T AND R THEAKSTON has announced plans to increase production capacity at its brewery in Masham.

The development is timed to coincide with the transfer of Theakston Best Bitter production from the Tyne Brewery at Newcastle to John Smiths at Tadcaster next spring.

The Masham development will mean additional flexibility to take on more brewing of other Theakston brands and to create additional capacity to meet demand.

Theakstons, owned by Scottish and Newcastle since 1987, was sold back to members of the Theakston family a year ago.

Director Simon Theakston said: "We are determined to brew as much as possible of our beer in Masham.

"Historically we have always been restricted by the sheer lack of space in the brewery, but by making additional fermenting capacity we will have made significant progress towards addressing the problem."

Mr Theakston said the announcement underlined the company's long-term commitment to Masham.

* Theakstons has been offering seasonal drinkers the chance to buy a cask of its famous Old Peculier ale.

A limited number of 36-pint, or four and a half gallon, casks has been on offer on a first come-first served basis in the run-up to Christmas. Master cooper Jonathan Manby has made just 80 casks for the special offer.

The casks, available for £54 plus a returnable deposit of £50, have been supplied with a tap, cradle, pegs and detailed instructions for storage and dispensation.