FEARS that a martial arts shop in Darlington is selling dangerous weapons were raised by councillors at a meeting yesterday.

Councillor Bryan Thistlethwaite told fellow members of the borough council's licensing committee that he had seen two men pulling a samurai sword out of a sheath in the doorway of Open Supplements, in North Road.

He said he had been waiting in his car at traffic lights outside the shop and had seen what he thought looked like a row of samurai swords hanging up on hooks.

Councillor Isobel Hartley, licensing committee chairman, said: "I heard it sold things like crossbows and air rifles."

Councillor John Vasey queried whether the items sold in the shop needed a licence.

Acting Sergeant Sham Sahani, from Darlington police, said: "It needs an officer to attend to assess what's on display and what they intend selling. I can certainly deploy somebody to do that."

A man working at Open Supplements, who would not give his name, said he would be willing to answer any queries from councillors.

He said the shop did not stock firearms and sold knives and swords, which are kept behind glass, to over-18s only.