IF the tsunami disaster was utterly heartbreaking, the public response to it has been truly heartwarming.

The Disasters Emergency Committee has announced that the fundraising total in Britain is expected to be £200m.

It has been such an unprecedented, wonderful success that the appeal can now begin to wind down.

The British people can be immensely proud of what they have achieved so swiftly.

In every corner of the country, people of all ages have been doing their bit to help those suffering in Asia. The elderly have donated their pension money. The young have raffled their Christmas presents.

Here in the North-East and North Yorkshire, the response has been typically generous and we applaud every one of our readers who has made a contribution.

Ordinary people across the world have played their part - now it is up to governments and the United Nations to ensure that the money is used to maximum effect in the places where it is needed most.

We live in an age when there are all too frequent reminders of man's inhumanity to man.

The appeal for the victims of the tsunami has been a source of hope born out of great tragedy.

It has demonstrated that people do care very deeply about each other, no matter how far apart their lives may be. It has been a reminder that human kindness runs deep.

For your part in this incredible achievement, we say thank you.