EGGLESCLIFFE Parish Council has raised concerns over the traffic implications from the potential relocation of Yarm School.

At last week's meeting, the council examined a request to "scope" opinion about a potential move by the school to land south of Green Lane, in Yarm.

Chairman, Coun Sue Ireland, said: "This scoping document is just testing the water. However, I think we would be affected by the move."

Coun John Fletcher said that the proposed site was green wedge land and a move would be a major departure from Stockton Borough Council's local plan.

The council agreed to raise concerns about the possible increase in traffic as a result and about the future of the school's playing fields in Aislaby Road. Members also requested to be kept updated on developments.

In 2002, Yarm School revealed plans to sell its historic Friarage and prep school sites in Yarm town centre for £25m and relocate to the edge of town. The preferred bidders for the old sites were Wimpey and Bellway Homes.

The proposed new site is much closer to Yarm railway station and the A19.