SMOKING could be banned in council-owned buildings in Derwentside.

The health scrutiny panel of Derwentside District Council wants to see smoking forbidden in all municipal buildings.

Councillors have cited health concerns for the proposal.

In the area, tobacco smoking is responsible for 90 per cent of lung cancer deaths, one in five cases of coronary heart disease, a quarter of deaths from strokes and 83 per cent of fatalities from chronic bronchitis and emphysema.

Steve Howells, the council's head of leisure, said: "The ills of smoking and breathing in second-hand smoke are well documented and clear as having a negative effect on health.

"Members are, therefore, asked to consider the introduction of smoke-free areas, a key public health intervention, within the district in order to make a positive contribution to reducing the incidence of poor health that arises as a result of smoking and passive smoking."

The ban will include council buildings, community facilities, sports and swimming centres, theatre and arts buildings, outdoor sports facilities and play areas.

By going smoke-free, the authority hopes to help smokers who want to quit.

If the policy is approved, smokers working for the council will be asked if they would use a shelter, which could be introduced if enough people want them.

Time will be deducted from council employees who smoke during work periods.