A GROUP that encourages mental health sufferers to take up art is looking for professionals to help run workshops.

In the last year, members have organised several exhibitions and raised nearly £500 selling their work, including a commission from a local church.

One exhibition at Sam's Place, a caf in Linthorpe Road, Middlesbrough, was so successful the owner asked to extend it by several weeks.

The group wants to build on the success by drafting in specialists to develop members' artistic talent. This year, they have made arrangements to visit galleries and meet for other events and exhibitions.

The group is looking for sculptors working from life, painters working from life and photographers to get in touch and develop ideas.

The closing date for proposals is Tuesday, March 1, and can be sent to Adrian Moule, c/o Tees Valley Arts, 3rd Floor, Melrose House, Melrose Street, Middlesbrough TS1 2HZ.

The Phoenix Art Group meets every Wednesday.