COUNCIL officers are opposing a telecommunications company over plans for a 15-metre mobile phone mast.

Last November, Darlington Borough Council refused permission for the mast in Fulthorpe Avenue.

Now, O2 has lodged an appeal with the Secretary of State for the Environment.

Council bosses believed the mast would be unduly prominent and detrimental to the area.

But in a statement to the Department of the Environment, O2 says the impact has been overstated and the mast will be masked by trees.

The company argues there is no better site, and says the council has not fully appreciated the contribution a mobile phone network can make to the economy.

The grounds of appeal statement reads: "The local planning authority has failed to have regard to national planning policy... and in particular the advice that they should respond positively to proposals for telecommunications development."

Both sides will send a statement to the planning inspectorate. The site will then be visited by an independent inspector, who decides whether to grant permission.

A council spokeswoman said: "The council's planning officers are now preparing a statement which they will send to the planning inspectorate. The statement will expand on the reasons for refusing planning permission, which relate to the impact of the development on the appearance and character of the area."

In September, The Northern Echo reported how people were furious the mast could be sited near their homes, opposite Mowden shops.

There was concern about whether the radiation from the mast would affect the health of people nearby.