AN MP has welcomed plans for a £16m plan to regenerate a former mining town.

But Kevan Jones has criticised Derwentside District Council for taking too long in developing the scheme for Stanley, County Durham.

The MP for North Durham said he particularly welcomed the £4m plans to build a bus station on the car park behind Front Street.

The transport hub is a key part of the £16m project to enhance the town centre.

He said: "Stanley desperately needs this facility as the current bus station is out-of-date and entirely inadequate.

"I am concerned, however, at the length of time it has taken for this project to get off the ground.

"Derwentside District Council has been promising improvements in Stanley town centre for several years, but it is only now that some of the major work is starting.

"I have received numerous letters and calls to my office from Stanley residents frustrated at the slow pace of improvements. I can only hope, for everyone's sake, that the bus station will be completed by November, as scheduled."

Councillor Alex Watson, leader of Derwentside council, defended the authority.

He said it had carried out a major public consultation and many traffic surveys to ensure the redevelopment of Stanley goes smoothly.

Coun Watson said the authority had also been attracting investment to fund the town's proposed facelift.

He said: "We have never sat back, just the opposite. It is very sad that our MP can make such a statement, and not fair. He has a negative attitude and is not giving the council the credit it deserves."