A programme of activities will keep youngsters entertained during the spring half-term.

The events, aimed at eight to 12-year-olds, start on Monday, in Albert Park, Middlesbrough, and run from 10.30am each day.

A bird cake making session will be held at the park pavilion, near the tennis courts on Monday and there will be a pancake race from the pavilion on Tuesday.

A paper aeroplane challenge will be held on Wednesday and a skating rink will be open next Thursday.

There will be a chance for youngsters to start their own nature diary next Friday, after a guided tour of the park looking for early signs of spring, starting from the visitor centre.

On Sunday, February 20, there will be a chance to build bird and bat boxes, meeting at the pavilion at 10.30am.

There will be a small charge for the events, with a discount for Leisure Link card holders.

For further information, contact Albert Park on (01642) 819808.