A GROUP spearheading a campaign to keep 4,600 houses in the control of a district council has urged council tenants to attend a public meeting at the weekend.

The Save our Council Houses group, which wants Chester-le-Street District Council to retain ownership of its properties, will hold a meeting in the town's Red Lion Hotel, from 10.30am to noon, on Saturday.

George Watson, a former district councillor who is leading the campaign with former Durham County Councillor Derek Bates, said they had won the backing of union leaders, who have helped fund a leafleting campaign.

The district council is considering a number of options for the future of its housing stock. A tenants conference attended by 130 people showed 90 per cent support for a total stock transfer.

But Mr Bates said, if there is a stock transfer, tenants will pay in the long run with much bigger rents and no control. He said: "It is vital that tenants get all the facts, so that they can make a considered judgement. Privatising their homes is a massive step not to be taken lightly."

Former Sunderland Council leader Bryn Siddaway, Unison's regional convenor Clare Williams and GMB regional secretary Kevan Curran will be addressing the meeting.

The council said it has gained the views of 20 per cent of tenants. If it decides on a stock transfer option, all tenants would be balloted.