A programme to tackle a predicted skills shortage of 30,000 workers in the healthcare sector was launched yesterday.

Pertemps Employment Alliance has joined forces with the Tees Valley Social Care and Health Alliance to provide jobs and fulfil a recruitment need in the social care sector.

Pertemps runs employment zones in jobs blackspots in Middlesbrough and east Cleveland.

Its projects on Teesside have helped more than 1,000 unemployed people find work in the past year.

In the next decade, there will be as many as 30,000 jobs to be filled in health, care or social work in the region, the sector skills council in development has predicted.

Working in partnership with the Tees Valley alliance, Pertemps is piloting a three-week course for unemployed people who would like to work in social care.

Those who complete the course will work in the Tees Valley and go on to gain further qualifications, giving them a sustainable career in the industry.

Hugh McGouran, business development director for Pertemps Employment Alliance, said: "There is a massive recruitment need in the social care sector and so many vacancies that simply cannot be filled."

No qualifications or experience are necessary to take part, and trainees will be given up to six months support from Pertemps Employment Alliance following the initial course and during their employment.

If successful, the pilot scheme may be extended nationwide.

The first three-week course is at Pertemps Employment Alliance, in Albert Road, Middlesbrough.

For details, call (01642) 204400.