COUNCILLORS are raising a toast to Darlington becoming a Fairtrade town.

Last year, the borough council passed a resolution to support and raise awareness of the Fairtrade Foundation.

The organisation aims to tackle poverty, ensuring that food producers from poor countries get the financial rewards they deserve.

Businesses and local authorities are encouraged to promote the Fairtrade mark as much as possible.

Darlington Borough Council has now agreed that only Fairtrade tea and coffee will be served at authority meetings and staff training events.

Consumer services spokesman, Councillor Stephen Harker, said: "This is the first but perhaps the most significant step in the process that will see Darlington join 75 other towns around the country in the Fairtrade campaign.

"By becoming more aware and by changing our behaviour, even in small ways, the whole community can help to make a difference and contribute to sustainable development on a global level."