A HALF-MILLION pound youth project given planning permission on Wednesday might never be built on its chosen site.

A proposal to replace the Teesdale Community Resources (TCR) Centre at Birch Road, Barnard Castle, with a new building adjacent to the sports centre was approved by the district council planning committee.

But Tom Norton, vice-president of Glaxo Sports and Social Club, reiterated councillors' concerns about access, saying they were everyone's concerns.

"Future access is a concern for GSK because the pedestrian walkway is on GSK land," he said.

He supported the TCR scheme, saying it was good and should go ahead, but the site manager had made it quite clear that he would not release any land at present that could have an impact on future plans for Glaxo Club.

While agreeing that there were issues of land ownership, principal planning officer, Trevor Watson, said they must separate private issues from planning ones.

"The footpath is not a public right of way, but people have passed over it to get to Glaxo Club. That issue will have to be taken up by the county council. But if this is approved today it does not stop GSK saying No, you can't build it." He could give no material planning grounds for refusal.

Speaking for TCR, Keith Jones, said it disappointed him that the young people could not have their meeting place. He was also disheartened to hear of a petition circulating at Glaxo Club, where many members would have young people benefiting from the new facility.

Coun David Blackie said it was an emotive subject, but they had to stick to planning issues. Was it an acceptable development? Yes it was, except for the pedestrian access. He asked for support in principle because the plan met all the criteria. Members agreed and approved the application by five votes to four, with one abstention.

Both sides are expected to get together soon to discuss any possible compromise.