PENSIONERS are in line for a cash windfall after it was discovered that benefits they were entitled to were going unclaimed.

About 250 pensioners will be notified by Hartlepool BoroughCouncil in the next few days that they are missing out on council tax benefit.

Council chiefs said there may be other pensioners in the town who are missing out on vital cash.

Councillor Stanley Fortune, cabinet member for finance, said: "Following the introduction to the pension Credit scheme, the benefits system became more favourable to pensioners, yet many have not claimed all the help available.

"Pensioners are amongst the people who need help most and we certainly don't want them to miss out. We would urge anyone who thinks they are entitled to benefit to get in touch."

Councillor Fortune said that the council had written to the pensioners affected, with an offer to visit them in their homes to work out their exact entitlement.

For more information on council tax benefits call (01429) 284188.