SCORES of white balloons were released skywards yesterday as a huge fundraising campaign moved into its second phase.

Students and staff at Henshaws College in Starbeck, Harrogate, were celebrating the dedication of two new, modern, well-equipped training kitchens.

And at the same time, they were launching their £3.5m Living Life Campaign to complete the college's redevelopment.

The college, on Bogs Lane, gives education and independent living skills to blind and visually-impaired people between the ages of 16 and 23 who also have additional difficulties or disabilities.

The kitchens at the college were made possible by a £100,000 grant from the George A Moore Foundation.

Principal Jane Cole said: "This is the largest single donation that we have received from any foundation and we are most grateful to the Moore family."

The kitchens have been equipped with hydraulic worktops and sinks that can be raised and lowered to ensure that all students, including wheelchair users, can use them.

The kitchen equipment also includes talking microwaves, easy-to-handle utensils, user-friendly electrical goods and special colour-coded surfaces.

They will be used by the students, not only to learn independent living, but to develop skills that can be used in future employment.

The kitchens are located within a £7.5m, four-phase college redevelopment and are the first facilities to come on stream.

With over £4m raised to date, the Living Life Campaign is aiming to raise the remaining £3.5m which will allow the college to take in more students.