MOURNERS are gathering this Friday to pay their last respects to a man who had the unique distinction of serving as both Durham's mayor and county council chairman.

Former councillor James 'Jim' Mackintosh died, following a recent illness, in Dryburn Park Hospital, Durham, on Sunday evening, aged 81.

A former wartime Royal Marine who saw service in several fields of conflict round the world, including on Arctic convoys, he worked as a stores manager at Smart and Brown's, later re-named Thorn EMI, at Spennymoor, for 30 years on his return to Civvy Street.

He was a union activist, who served on the executive advisory board of MSF, now part of Amicus.

Although born in Rosyth, Scotland, he came to the North-East following his 13-years with the marines, after meeting his wife-to-be, Rita, at Chatham Royal Navy base.

They married in 1946, initially stationed in Germany, but later lived in Gilesgate, and at Framwellgate Moor. They had two sons, Malcolm and Jeffrey, and four grandchildren.

Mr Mackintosh survived his wife by 11 years, living in recent years at Sherburn House Hospital, on the outskirts of Durham.

A long-standing Labour member, rewarded for meritous service to the party in 1974, he was elected to the Gilesgate ward on Durham County Council in 1970, and went on to serve on all its major committees, becoming chairman for a two-year stint in 1993.

He was also a city councillor from 1973, serving as Durham's Mayor in 1976, and was made an honorary alderman when he left the council in 1991.

Since standing down from the county council, prior to the elections of 2001, he was also made an alderman of the authority.

His funeral takes place at St Cuthbert's CE Church in North Road, Durham, this Friday, March 18, at 2.45pm, followed by cremation at Durham Crematorium at 3.30pm.

Prior to the funeral service, at his family's request, his hearse will enter the gates and pause for a moment outside County Hall, Durham.

Anyone wishing to pay their respects and unable to attend the funeral, can do so at County Hall, at about 2.30pm.