PLANS to build nine two-storey houses in a village have been approved despite 80 residents signing a petition against the proposals.

People living in modern bungalows that face the site in Old Malton Road, Staxton, near Scarborough, say they are out of character with the area.

The proposals are for three terraced houses, four semi-detached houses and two detached houses.

Ryedale District Council approved the plans after members heard they were in keeping with local design guides.

Planning officer Gary Housden said: "They are reflective of the tradition of the location without the design approach of the 1960s, 70s and early 80s, which took away the local feel of towns and villages, many of which have developments which are uniform."

Residents say the development will not fit in. Staxton Parish Council chairman Alan Jeffels said: "The houses are completely out of character and will dominate existing buildings. All the homes built there are dormer, chalet-style bungalows. Two-storey houses will not fit in."