Council officials are appealing for voters to check they are registered to vote in the next General Election.

Unlike recent elections in Darlington, which have been all-postal voting, the General Election will be use polling stations.

People wishing to vote in the forthcoming election are being asked to check they are registered to vote by asking at the town hall reception desk or by calling the elections office on (01325) 388351.

People who have changed address since October 15 last year must ensure that they have registered to vote from their present address.

Voters wishing to arrange a postal or proxy vote will need to complete an application form and return it to the Electoral Registration Office, Town Hall, Darlington, DL1 5QT.

The council's acting chief executive, Paul Wildsmith, said: " We are asking people to make sure they are registered to vote so that they will not be disappointed on polling day.

"If people turn up at a polling station wanting to vote and their names are not on the register they will not be able to cast their vote.

"Similarly, if someone thinks that they are likely to be away from home on the day of the election and they would like to vote by post, they need to make the arrangements to do that now."