Q My husband has been on Incapacity Benefit and Income Support, currently totalling £121.15 a week, for four years. Can he claim anything for me as a carer? I have to help him bath, take charge of his tablets, go out with him and cannot leave him alone for long.

A He should claim Disability Living Allowance (DLA) from Jobcentre Plus. He could get an allowance for care if he needs a certain amount of looking after, and an allowance for mobility if he has problems getting about. DLA will not affect his other benefits. If he qualifies for the care allowance at the middle or high rate, you can claim Carer's Allowance, which will increase your Income Support by £25.55 a week.

Q My State pension, which is due in July, will be £51.44 a week. I receive Carer's Allowance (CA) for looking after my daughter, as well as a Council Tax reduction under the Disability Reduction Scheme. Will I lose this if I claim State Pension? Also, if I put off claiming my State Pension, I understand that I can get a higher pension or receive a lump sum in the future. Can I continue to receive CA during the period that I put off claiming the pension?

A You will keep your Council Tax reduction. The Disability Reduction Scheme depends upon the needs of the disabled person, not your income. If you put off claiming your State Pension, you will not get an increased rate or lump sum if you have been drawing CA while waiting.

Q My brother, who has lived in Australia for 30 years, is coming up to retirement. He will get a UK State Pension based upon his National Insurance prior to emigrating. Can he do anything to enhance this pension?

A He can pay Voluntary Contributions for a past period. These are currently £7.15 a week and can be paid for a maximum of the past six tax years. To find out more, contact Pensions and Overseas Benefits Directorate, Tyneview Park, Pensions Service, Newcastle NE98 1BA. Telephone 0191 213 5000.