HEALTH bosses in Darlington have been given a glimpse into the future, thanks to an electronic booking system.

The revolutionary "choose and book" scheme is due to come into effect in the town in December.

It will allow patients to go to their doctor's surgery and, if specialist treatment is needed, electronically book the date, hospital and the consultant.

Patients will be able to choose from up to five hospitals and will be able to leave the surgery with a time and date for treatment.

If their circumstances change, they will be able to change their appointment by phoning or using the Internet to contact the booking management service.

System expert Paul Shannon visited Darlington Primary Care Trust to demonstrate how it works.

He said: "We are covering the whole country demonstrating how the system works, from major national conferences to individual doctor's practices. No venue is too big or small."

The trust's service access manager, Louise Bickle, said: "It will benefit patients hugely. They will be able to choose the hospital, look at the medical care and practical issues such as whether it is on a bus route."