A NEIGHBOURHOOD watch scheme has launched a campaign to educate people about protecting their property.

The campaign has been launched by Chester-le-Street and District Neighbourhood Watch, at a time of year when thefts from garden sheds are expected to increase.

Liaison officer Linda Carr said: "Many people renew their garden equipment at this time of the year and we expect a spate of thefts from sheds.

"We have printed 20,000 Sheducate leaflets which will be posted to householders in areas known to be hotspots.

"Sheducate is a play on words, but one with a serious message." Ms Carr said the leaflet advises people to make sure that their sheds are properly locked at all times.

The campaign is also advising people to have property post-coded with UV marker pens. And people with bicycles are advised to get specialist locks.

All the security devices highlighted in the leaflet can be bought at police stations.