TWO market towns are preparing blueprints for their future.

At Helmsley, town regeneration team leader Councillor Martin Van Der Weyer says consultants have drawn up initial plans.

They include creating an open area in the Market Place where the Friday market is operated.

A large car park is also suggested for a site south of the historic stone bridge on the Thirsk road.

But Coun Van der Weyer said he suspected there would be opposition from Helmsley residents to such a park being created.

"The idea is for the scheme to be self-financing over five years," he said, adding that it would be leased from the Duncombe Park Estate.

He said it was hoped to improve the parking in the Market Place and the proposals were aimed at improving the appearance of Helmsley's town centre.

Other suggestions put forward by the consultants include the setting up of a youth council in Helmsley, earmarking land for industry, establishing a building trades academy, and a sports club project.

Meanwhile, at Pickering, the 2020 Town Team is formulating ideas.

Chairman Jim Bell said a draft business plan has been drawn up and estimates are being sought for work on pathways that will link Pickering Castle with the Beck Side Walk and the Whitby Road outdoor leisure project.

The North Yorkshire Geological Trust is to carry out work in the old Newbridge Road quarry, which is to become a centre for abseiling and rock climbing for young people.

"We need to involve the whole community in the projects," said Mr Bell.