FIREFIGHTERS have begun lecturing young offenders on the consequences of their actions in a bid to tackle high levels of arson on Teesside.

Cleveland Fire Brigade and the Youth Offending Service have devised an education programme aimed at those aged between 11 and 17 with a history of anti-social behaviour and juvenile crime.

The youngsters attend sessions at Thornaby Fire Station where they are shown a video and practical demonstrations of the situations and problems their behaviour can cause.

The programme was devised by Coulby Newham Station's crew manager Les Pearson.

Last year in the Stockton District there were 1,848 fires, more than 1,500 of which were started deliberately.

Latest figures show that, nationally, arson caused £2.9bn worth of damage during 2003.

Barry Waller, Thornaby station manager, said: "This is a great opportunity for us to engage with those youths who often create problems for us. We try to show them the effect their behaviour can have on the service that we provide.

"After the two-hour session, everyone who had attended agreed that it had been very worthwhile and that they had learnt a valuable lesson. We have now arranged for more groups to come to our station over the next few months."

Derek Fox, from the Youth Offending Service, said: "We always try to show the people we work with just how their actions impact upon the community and this session has certainly done that."