YESTERDAY, The Northern Echo carried the heartbreaking story of Laura Burrows-Schofield, who was knocked down and killed by a speeding driver.

Bike rider Laura, ten, of Durham, was hit by a car being driven at least 55mph in a 40mph zone. As a result, we received this letter from a driver who was so moved by the case, he has vowed never to speed again. Peter Wilson, of Barnard Castle, County Durham, wrote:

THE very beautiful face of ten-year-old Laura Burrows-Schofield is prominent on the front page of The Echo.

How one's heart goes out to her family and friends, who have to come to terms with her death in a road accident caused by careless driving.

The offending driver was, by your report, doing 15mph over the speed limit. There are few of us drivers who have not so offended.

In memory of Laura, I am resolved to be more careful than ever to avoid speeding myself. And I will speak sharply to the saloon bar bores who complain about the speed cameras which tax our dangerous habits.

To remind myself, I am printing a card to stick on my steering wheel or dashboard. It says 'Remember Laura'.

Mr Wilson told The Northern Echo last night: "I was really affected by your story. I felt very sad. You know how easily it is to go over the limit, but I am not going to speed again."

The 19-year-old driver involved in the accident, Christopher Mitchell, was fined only £500 for careless driving. He was travelling at least 15mph over the limit. Experts said that had he been within the 40mph limit, he could have stopped safely.

We appeal to all drivers to follow Mr Wilson's lead and cut out this reminder, published with the approval of Laura's family, below. Remember her the next time you think about speeding.