A LONG-serving first aider who has trained award-winning volunteers has been honoured.

Lynda Aunger, superintendent of St John Ambulance Spennymoor Unit, has been presented with a scroll for outstanding contribution to the community by Spennymoor Town Council.

Ms Aunger joined the unit in 1984 and two years later launched a Badgers group for children, including her youngest daughter, Kirsty Readman, and now runs sessions for Badgers, Cadets and adults.

Her two sons also followed in her footsteps - Gordon Readman, won several competitions as a cadet. Stuart Readman, and daughter-in-law Carol, are now divisional officer and divisional nursing officer.

Along with weekly unit meetings, Ms Aunger takes cadets on training camps and to regional and national competitions.

She has attended events from the Commonwealth Games in Manchester, and the Queen's Golden Jubilee celebrations in London.

Town Mayor John Culine said: "The town is very proud of her."

Ms Aunger said: "I'm very proud and pleased with the award, the whole unit is here to serve the people of Spennymoor and our members do us proud."

Spennymoor St John Badgers Daniel Murdoch and Michael Hall will be competing in a national first aid contest this summer.

The pair were first in the regional final of the St John annual first aid competition.

Daniel, nine, and Michael, ten, won the County Durham heat in February and have secured a place in the national final to be held at Croydon, in July.

Ms Aunger said: "The boys have done exceedingly well already.

"They beat five teams at regional level to secure a place in the finals so we are very proud of their achievement so far. We wish them luck."