DR Who fan Neil Perryman has another reason to celebrate following the return of his sci-fi hero to TV screens.

For the Sunderland University media production lecturer's short story has been included in a new anthology of the Time Lord's adventures.

Doctor Who Short Trips: A Christmas Treasury is the latest in a series that brings together the work of first-time writers and established Dr Who authors.

Neil's contribution, Last Minute Shopping, features the fifth Doctor, played by Peter Davison, visiting London's Oxford Street on a shopping trip that ends in a police chase back to the Tardis. It has been praised by reviewers.

Neil, 35, who has been a fan of Doctor Who since he was five, said: "Just three weeks after I was asked to write the story, the BBC announced that the new series was coming back, so it was very exciting.

"It's always been my dream to publish something and I have definitely got plans to write more.

"There's something very special about Doctor Who and I think it's a unique programme.

"As a kid, I just wanted to travel with the Doctor and, because it was often set in contemporary times, you felt like you could just walk around the corner and the Daleks would be there."

Doctor Who Short Trips: A Christmas Treasury is published by Big Finish. It costs £14.99 and is available from amazon.co.uk