A COUPLE have been told a gate to their land will have to be removed because it was put up without planning permission - 20 years ago.

Arthur and Moira Clarke, of Fox Flats, Sycamore Street, formerly Allendale Cottages, near The Dene, Medomsley, were stunned to receive the letter from Durham County Council.

They were told the 12ft iron gate they use to keep their 20 horses from straying on to the road will have to be removed.

Former miner Mr Clarke 68, said: "We have the safety of the general public in mind.

"Also, one of the reasons it was put in place in the first place was the previous owners, the NCB, put it in place to stop fly tipping. It is beyond belief that that council want to remove it after all these years," he said.

The gate runs across a road adopted by County Highways but is not used by anyone because it leads around the Clarkes' land.

A county council spokesman said: "The gate has been there a number of years without giving rise to any objections. However, the county council has now received an objection and we are duty bound to investigate it."